All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process carried out by our panel of experts in the field. Each paper will be evaluated based on its originality, significance, methodology, and contribution to the field of Teaching and Education. Our objective is to ensure the highest quality of research is presented at ITEConf.
Upon submission, all articles are subject to a plagiarism check using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. This check is performed to maintain the conference's strict anti-plagiarism policies. If any submission is found to be plagiarized, it will be automatically rejected.
Our conference employs a double-blind review process, which guarantees impartiality and confidentiality throughout the review procedure. This means that the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are concealed from each other.
Authors are required to adhere to the formatting guidelines set by the Conference Committee. It is crucial to prepare manuscripts in a way that does not disclose the authors' identities, as maintaining anonymity is essential for the double-blind review process.
The Scientific Committee comprises experts and researchers in the field of education and teaching. They evaluate each submission based on its originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and overall quality. The review process is thorough and aims to provide constructive feedback to authors.
Once the review process is complete, the Scientific Committee notifies the authors of the final decision regarding their submission. If accepted, the submitter must provide full-text paper. the author(s) can register for the Conference. After the conference, the full paper will be requested for subsequent publication opportunities.
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